Last updated: 2018-03-06

Code version: 866f1eb

library(gdata); library(mashr);library(flashr)
gdata: read.xls support for 'XLS' (Excel 97-2004) files ENABLED.
gdata: read.xls support for 'XLSX' (Excel 2007+) files ENABLED.

Attaching package: 'gdata'
The following object is masked from 'package:stats':

The following object is masked from 'package:utils':

The following object is masked from 'package:base':

Loading required package: ashr
library(mclust); library(plyr); library(corrplot)
Package 'mclust' version 5.4
Type 'citation("mclust")' for citing this R package in publications.

Attaching package: 'mclust'
The following object is masked from 'package:ashr':

corrplot 0.84 loaded
library(ggplot2); library(ggpubr)
Loading required package: magrittr

Read Table 2

SupplTable2 = read.xls('../data/Suppl.Table.2.xlsx')
saveRDS(SupplTable2, '../data/SupplTable2.rds')

There are missing value in the data. I guess this is caused by the 0 count, since the effect is \(\log_{2} (X_{1}/X_{2})\). We set these NAs to 0 with huge variance.

Genename = as.character(SupplTable2$Gene.ID)
colname = colnames(SupplTable2)[seq(3,89,by=3)]
Tissue = gsub( "_.*$", "",  colname)

p.value = SupplTable2[,seq(3,89,by=3)]
logFC = SupplTable2[,seq(4,89,by=3)]

missing =

p.value[] = 1
logFC[] = 0

row.names(p.value) = Genename
row.names(logFC) = Genename
colnames(p.value) = Tissue
colnames(logFC) = Tissue

saveRDS(list(logFC = as.matrix(logFC), pval = as.matrix(p.value), category = SupplTable2$category, region = SupplTable2$region, missing = missing), '../data/SupplTable2_0.rds')

Since the sample size is large, we assume the p value is from normal distribution. = mash_set_data(Bhat = data$logFC, pval = data$pval)
# set large variance to missing data$Shat[$Shat)] = 1000$Shat[is.infinite($Shat)] = 1000

# find strong genes
m.1by1 = mash_1by1(, alpha=0)
strong = get_significant_results(m.1by1, 0.01)
# estimate cor V on non strong genes
Z =$Bhat/$Shat
Z.null = Z[setdiff(1:349,strong),]

Estimate covariance structure using strong genes

Z.strong = Z[strong,]
# center = apply(Z.strong, 2, function(x) x - mean(x))


\[ \tilde{Z} = LF' + E \] where F is \(29 \times K\), L is \(n \times K\), E is \(n\times 29\).

mash_data_flash = flash_set_data(as.matrix(
fmodel = flash(mash_data_flash, greedy = TRUE, backfit = TRUE)

saveRDS(fmodel, '../output/Flash_T2_0.rds')

Flash result

The first factor explains the main proportion of variance in effects.

[1] 0.786204732 0.009596396 0.011735441 0.008650019 0.003879352

The first factor is the overall summary of treatment effects.

factors = flash_get_ldf(fmodel)$f
row.names(factors) = colnames(data$logFC)
layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,6), 3, 2, byrow = TRUE))
for(i in 1:5){
  barplot(factors[,i], las=2, main=paste0('Factor ', i), cex.names = 0.7)

Clustering loadings

loading = fmodel$EL[,1:5]
row.names(loading) = rownames(Z.strong)
colnames(loading) = paste0('F',seq(1,5))

mod = Mclust(loading)
saveRDS(mod, '../output/Flash_T2_0_mclust.rds')

Using clustering result to fit mash:

\[l_{i}\sim \sum_{i=1}^{m}N(\mu_{i}, \Sigma_{i})\] We estimate the covariance as \(F(\Sigma_i + \mu_{i}\mu_{i}')F'\).

U_list = alply(mod$parameters$variance$sigma,3)
mu_list = alply(mod$parameters$mean,2)
ll = list()
for (i in 1:length(U_list)){
  ll[[i]] = U_list[[i]] + mu_list[[i]] %*% t(mu_list[[i]])

U.loading = lapply(ll, function(U){factors %*% (U %*% t(factors))})
names(U.loading) = paste0('Load', "_", (1:length(U.loading)))

# rank 1

Flash_res = flash_get_lf(fmodel)

U.Flash = c(mashr::cov_from_factors(t(as.matrix(factors)), "Flash"), 
            list("tFlash" = t(Flash_res) %*% Flash_res / nrow(


U.pca = cov_pca(mash_set_data(, 7)


U.c = cov_canonical(mash_set_data(

Extreme Deconvolution

U.dd = c(U.pca, U.loading, U.Flash, list('XX' = t( %*% / nrow( )) =$Bhat =$Bhat[strong,]$Shat =$Shat[strong,]$Shat_alpha =$Shat_alpha[strong,]
saveRDS(cov_ed(, U.dd), '../output/Mash_EE_Cov_0_plusR1.rds')

mash model

vhat = 1

if (vhat == 1) {
  V = cor(Z.null)
} else {
  V = diag(ncol(Z.null))

mash_data = mash_set_data(Bhat =$Bhat, Shat =$Shat, V = V, alpha = 0)

saveRDS(mash(mash_data, c(U.c, U.ed)), '../output/Mash_model_0_plusR1.rds') 
 - Computing 959 x 1711 likelihood matrix.
 - Likelihood calculations took 17.60 seconds.
 - Fitting model with 1711 mixture components.
 - Model fitting took 15.55 seconds.
 - Computing posterior matrices.
 - Computation allocated took 3.72 seconds.

V1 EE result

The log-likelihood of fit is

[1] -80852.06

Here is a plot of weights learned.

options(repr.plot.width=12, repr.plot.height=4)
barplot(get_estimated_pi(mash.model), las = 2, cex.names = 0.7)

Check ED_XX and ED_tPCA:

layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,4), 2, 2, byrow=TRUE))
svd.out = svd(mash.model$fitted_g$Ulist[["ED_XX"]])
v = svd.out$v
colnames(v) = colnames(get_lfsr(mash.model))
rownames(v) = colnames(v)
options(repr.plot.width=10, repr.plot.height=5)
for (j in 1:4)
  barplot(v[,j]/v[,j][which.max(abs(v[,j]))], cex.names = 0.7,
          las = 2, main = paste0("EigenVector ", j, " for XX"))

svd.out = svd(mash.model$fitted_g$Ulist[["ED_tPCA"]])
v = svd.out$v
colnames(v) = colnames(get_lfsr(mash.model))
rownames(v) = colnames(v)
options(repr.plot.width=10, repr.plot.height=5)
for (j in 1:4)
  barplot(v[,j]/v[,j][which.max(abs(v[,j]))], cex.names = 0.7,
          las = 2, main = paste0("EigenVector ", j, " for tPCA"))

Among the 959 genes, MASH found 372 to be significant in at least one treatment.

There are 84 effects are estimated as significant, even though they are originally missing! This is caused by the borrowing information from other samples.

The plot below compares the data with the mash output. The gene ASMT has lots of missing vales in tissues. The mash model estimates all effects as significant.

# before
gene667 = data.frame($Bhat[667,])
colnames(gene667) = 'EffectSize'
gene667$Group = row.names(gene667)
gene667$se = data.frame(ifelse($Shat[667,]>100, 0,$Shat[667,]))
gene667$EffectSize[gene667$se == 0] = NA
# after = data.frame(mash.model$result$PosteriorMean[667,])
colnames( = 'EffectSize'$Group = row.names(gene667)$se = data.frame(mash.model$result$PosteriorSD[667,])

p.orig = ggplot(gene667, aes(y = EffectSize, x = Group, color=Group)) + 
  geom_point() +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=EffectSize-1.96*se, ymax=EffectSize+1.96*se), width=0.4) + 
  theme_bw(base_size=12) + coord_flip() + ggtitle('ASMT original' ) = ggplot(, aes(y = EffectSize, x = Group, color=Group)) + 
  geom_point() +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=EffectSize-1.96*se, ymax=EffectSize+1.96*se), width=0.4) + 
  theme_bw(base_size=12) + coord_flip() + ggtitle('ASMT mash') + theme(legend.position = 'bottom')

ggarrange(p.orig,, ncol=2, nrow=1, common.legend = TRUE, legend="right")
Warning: Removed 24 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
Warning: Removed 24 rows containing missing values (geom_errorbar).
Warning: Removed 24 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
Warning: Removed 24 rows containing missing values (geom_errorbar).

Proportion of significantly biased (FDR < 1%) genes in each tissue by reported XCI status.

Escape.prop = numeric(29)
for(i in 1:29){
  Escape.prop[i] = length(which(data$category[get_significant_results(mash.model,0.01, conditions = i)] == 'Escape')) / length(which(data$category == 'Escape'))
Variable.prop = numeric(29)
for(i in 1:29){
  Variable.prop[i] = length(which(data$category[get_significant_results(mash.model,0.01, conditions = i)] == 'Variable')) / length(which(data$category == 'Variable'))
Inac.prop = numeric(29)
for(i in 1:29){
  Inac.prop[i] = length(which(data$category[get_significant_results(mash.model,0.01, conditions = i)] == 'Inactive')) / length(which(data$category == 'Inactive'))
Unknown.prop = numeric(29)
for(i in 1:29){
  Unknown.prop[i] = length(which(data$category[get_significant_results(mash.model,0.01, conditions = i)] == 'Unknown')) / length(which(data$category == 'Unknown'))

prop = c(Escape.prop, Variable.prop, Inac.prop, Unknown.prop)
group = rep(c('Escape', 'Variable', 'Inactive', 'Unknown'), each=29)
boxplot(prop*100~group, ylab='Sex-bias per tissue (% of genes)')

Sex biased expression is enriched in escape genes.

Session information

R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS High Sierra 10.13.3

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] ggpubr_0.1.6  magrittr_1.5  ggplot2_2.2.1 corrplot_0.84 plyr_1.8.4   
 [6] mclust_5.4    flashr_0.5-6  mashr_0.2-6   ashr_2.2-7    gdata_2.18.0 

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_0.12.15      bindr_0.1         compiler_3.4.3   
 [4] git2r_0.20.0      iterators_1.0.9   tools_3.4.3      
 [7] digest_0.6.13     tibble_1.3.4      evaluate_0.10.1  
[10] gtable_0.2.0      lattice_0.20-35   pkgconfig_2.0.1  
[13] rlang_0.1.6       Matrix_1.2-12     foreach_1.4.4    
[16] yaml_2.1.17       parallel_3.4.3    mvtnorm_1.0-7    
[19] ebnm_0.1-10       bindrcpp_0.2      gridExtra_2.3    
[22] dplyr_0.7.4       stringr_1.3.0     knitr_1.20       
[25] REBayes_1.2       gtools_3.5.0      cowplot_0.9.2    
[28] rprojroot_1.2     grid_3.4.3        glue_1.2.0       
[31] R6_2.2.2          rmarkdown_1.8     rmeta_2.16       
[34] purrr_0.2.4       backports_1.1.2   scales_0.5.0     
[37] codetools_0.2-15  htmltools_0.3.6   MASS_7.3-47      
[40] assertthat_0.2.0  softImpute_1.4    colorspace_1.3-2 
[43] labeling_0.3      stringi_1.1.6     Rmosek_8.0.69    
[46] lazyeval_0.2.1    doParallel_1.0.11 pscl_1.5.2       
[49] munsell_0.4.3     truncnorm_1.0-8   SQUAREM_2017.10-1

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